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Portrait de Atsuko Toda


Membre depuis
7 years 5 months

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English | Français

Dear practitioners and Gender Champions,

A huge thank you for all the submissions. Before this discussion closed, I had a chance to go through the discussion thread again and review your insights and ideas.

You have given us so much to think about. So many thoughts, insights, experiences, convictions shared, it was a truly great to have the richness of your views. The discussion looked at the fundamental issues around gender equality, the main challenges for female farmers' access to finance; it gave recommendations on how we as a development community can be more effective, it shed light on women in agribusiness and also shared personal experience around what worked. 

We will share a brief summary of this rich discussion within a week and will share it with all the contributors and beyond.  We shall also prepare a policy document with the key strategies and mechanisms that were suggested in the way forward.

We hope that the discussion does not stop here and we can continue to reach out to each other as members of this community of practice. Please continue to take this forward and make a difference for women’s empowerment on the African continent.

Keep making a difference, a day at a time!

Kindest personal regards


English | Français

Chers colleagues et champions de l'egalité des sexes

Un grand merci pour toutes vos contributions durant cette discussion. Avant que cette discussion ne se termine, j'ai eu l'occasion de passer en revue nos échanges et d'examiner les idées que nous avons partagées.

Vous nous avez vraiment enrichi. Tant de pensées, d'idées, d'expériences, de convictions partagées!. C'était vraiment magnifique de percevoir la richesse de vos points de vue et opinions. La discussion a porté sur les questions fondamentales concernant l'égalité entre les sexes et les principaux défis pour l'accès des femmes au financement de l'agriculture. Nous avons examiné des recommandations sur la façon dont nous, en tant que membres de la communauté de développement, et dans nos différents rôles, pourrions être plus efficaces; pourrions éclairer les femmes agricultrices et nous avons aussi partagé  nos expériences personnelles sur ce qui a fonctionné.

Nous partagerons avec tous les participants, un bref résumé de cette riche discussion dans quelques jours. Nous allons également préparer un document de politique avec les stratégies et mécanismes clés qui ont été suggérés pour pallier à ces défis.

Nous espérons que la discussion ne s'arrêtera pas ici et nous pourrons continuer à échanger les uns avec les autres en tant que membres de notre communauté de pratique. Je vous encourage à continuer à avancer et à faire une différence pour l'autonomisation des agricultrices sur le continent africain.

Continuons ensemble à faire une différence, un jour à la fois!

Meilleures salutations



Thanks so much to all the contributors for their diverse inputs into a truly rich conversation, all additional insights.  On the ground experience coming from implementation tells mountains of the challenge.

How do we get more political will? Sincere political will can lead the way for women to get access to finance but how do we get it.

Does it start with women leaders? How can it become mainstream for financial institutions to target women clients?  Is this an awareness campaign of Central Banks? Does it survive a change in political regimes and administrations?

Financial institutions need to be motivated to increase their business line to women. There is a need for imperative. This comes from the political will mentioned above but then also a change in business model, having prototype models for women for easier appraisal, dedicated staff, and outreach mechanisms, there has to be an outreach role for digital financial services for women.

The risk taking appetite of financial institutions remains low and given the lack of land titles for women, collateral is an issue. Collateral substitutes are required, credit history and registries will all help. Insurance remains an area that we have not explored enough and if anyone has any good ideas on how insurance could be extended, I would be really grateful.

Somebody had already made the contribution to focus on the specific need of women clients. Very true. Many a time, women needs start with financial literacy, saving. More than men, women are afraid to default. Instead of taking loans from banks, they want to start with easy access financial cooperatives, savings and groups.
We need to build on that need and create a momentum.

Keep the insights coming!
