• AfDB focuses on fashion industry to create jobs for millions of women and youth in Africa

    A large percentage of workers in the textile and clothing industry are women. Because it is labour-intensive, it has great scope to offer employment and to transform the lives of many women and youth across Africa. “Textile and clothing is the second largest sector in the developing world after agriculture. This sector is dominated by SMEs and holds the potential to create jobs for millions of women and youth across Africa. The African Development Bank (AfDB) has called for the empowerment of small and medium operators in the textiles, apparel and accessories sectors as a deliberate job creation strategy. more...

  • “To develop its textiles market, Africa needs its cotton”

    Pathé’O and Sidahmed Alphadi, fashion designers of international renown, pleaded the cause of African cotton. The African textiles and clothing sector is the second most important sector in terms of jobs in some developing countries, after agriculture, according to the AfDB. But Africa's cotton does not stay here. "Africa can dress Africa. But, to do that, it needs its cotton. To go from fashion design to a true industry, we need to develop training, infrastructure and access to financial resources.” more

  • The Rwanda Honey Value Chain Project

    The African Development Bank, in partnership with the Organisation pour la Promotion de la Contribution Active de la Femme Rwandaise au Developpement (SERUKA) – a national women’s organization focusing on women’s economic empowerment in Rwanda –has launched the Rwanda Honey Value Chain Project, which aims to enhance honey production in the country. The African Development Bank has approved US $343,000 to enhance honey production in Rwanda through this project, of which 80% of beneficiaries are women. more

  • Ghana’s Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP): An innovative way to make agriculture a worthy investment for rural farmers

    Women have a critical role in the march towards food security in Ghana. Salma Abdulai is one of several women supported by the NRGP programme. She launched her enterprise “Unique Quality Production Enterprise”, located in Pagzaa community, in 2013. It is an agro-processing unit that specializes in the processing of Fonio*(DIM FONIO) into fine-textured product, distributed and marketed locally. more

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Community News

mer, 08/11/2017

The equality gap between men and women would take 100 years to... Plus

ven, 08/09/2017

La Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates, la Fondation Rockefelle... Plus

lun, 14/08/2017

"Every 24 hours, nearly 33,000 youth across Africa join the se... Plus
