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7 years 6 months

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To date, in many ways, the International community is watching, African scourges on tantamount fronts remain burning... Until we devise local endogenous development models out of beaten paths, African Agricultural Transformation will remain a dormant idea...

All resources and human power needed are in place, from diaspora to local resource mobilization potential now more than ever before...

Demba N's picture



Comprehensive survey of exisiting development potential with great gender focus should be leading the way forward...

Information is key and the Bank has a unique opportunity to grasp most WAAPP-PPAAO efforts brought forth to date.

From Goal 1 to Goal 17 across SDG matrix, collaboration, networking and synergzing are key.

Whether additional resources needed or shifting focus as the mere rationale, the Bank has a whole lot ways to support market potentials inherent to agricultural transformation in Africa...

Business Advisory Services provision sought to be the nexus of Bank takeover strategy in maintaining momentum in key regional agricultural development initiatives.

Demba N's picture



Indeed agricultural innovation platforms under WAAPP encourages the creation of such thematique answer to identified constraints in a way in Mali we have such mecanization platform meant to identifying the difficulties inherent to agricultural products processing and suitable responses in coping with them... If such technologies were afforded to those women you referred to, this could lead to expanded product availability in the market and furthering demands on such...

A great point for AfDB to consider when planning to build from existing niches of market adapatation strategies across the region.

Demba N's picture

renforcement des capacités... C'est bien de cela, et a cette date l'essentiel des interventions des bailleurs traditionnels a laissé sur place assez d'axes stratégiques a conforter et consolider pour que ces décades d'investissements dans l'infrastructure de production agricole, ne soient pas en vain...

La coordination de l'aide au développement (Paris & Ghana), et les récentes déclarations de Malabo sont tous autant d'axes qui fustigent le caractère morcelé des tentatives en la matière.

Demba N's picture



En effet il s'agit de l'essentiel de cette division socio-economique du travail dont il s'agit de reconsiderer avec l'objectif ultime de donner les moyens a celles-la qui sont chargees de telles activites, et non les tenir comme des succedanees des activites phares de production comme c'est souvent le cas.

Vu le role preponderant de la Femme dans ces activites de transformation, ces groupes doivent faire l'objet d'une evaluation post-ante production pour jouir de tout le dispositif d'assistance requis afin de mieux faire leur role. L'exemple de la cooperative des Femmes que j'ai visite suite a la rencontre regionale de l'IFDC nous a beacoup demontre le potentiel de telles femmes...
