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7 years 6 months

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As the whole idea was to gather practical views on gender integration in the AfDB African Agricultural Transformation Agenda, hopefully the sum of individual inputs, less than two hundred gender’ conscious registered participants came in together to provide in this platform, would give the most set of concerns at stake for our three hundred millions of women+ in agriculture… Think about the ratio, to understand that we need even more actors, players that what this fora has brought so far!

As most said, albeit in various ways, to stress the need for a collaborative team on this issue, I can’t agree more with Katrien above for setting up a task force and develop a monitoring/evaluation agenda for inclusive agribusiness and youth employment, so as to set the tone for institutional donor financing strategies for implementation at regional and national value chain levels. The ball is truly in the court of the AfDB for leadership takeover towards an endogenous sustainability model.

We have many opportunities to increase visibility across women’ impact in agribusiness… the understanding is pervasive now more than 30 years ago, and we should start devising inclusive modalities on that note… As I stressed earlier, WAAPP-PPAAO projects in the west Africa region has so far a good starting point for AfDB centered projects ready to inherit and further capitalize on those existing investment frameworks…

The United States and Togo will co-host the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum in Lomé, Togo from Aug. 8-10. As the Forum is set to bring together senior government officials from the United States and 38 Sub-Saharan African countries to discuss ways to boost economic cooperation and trade between the U.S. and Africa, AfDB should be geared to joining the event, secure a booth with a few sponsored women groups to bring their quality products for display while showcasing visibility over this tentative agenda of theirs in scaling up women in African agricultural transformation and follow up on that landmark yearly event!

With similar concerns, I plan on showcasing such achievements of the Malian women entrepreneurs’ network around food products packaging and labeling for better country of origin overhauling... Besides agricultural equipment promotion from artisans in the region.

Demba N's picture

As the local endogenous financial institution par excellence, AfDB should be working on donor coordination and facilitation whilst playing its catalytic role bestowed on the Bank... Africa has been like an open field whereby various donor strategies conflict when it comes to priorities setting locally, nationally and regionally... fragile productive ecosystems should be better off coordinated in their respective development modus operandi with concrete gender focus...

Demba N's picture



I'm currently working on the above areas, one at a time, presently in MALI, about to starting soon in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana... please advise on your location and actual work plan ahead on any of these avenues and I will surely look forward to devising some roadmap ahead...

Again thanks for your feedback!

Demba N's picture



Thanks Mrs Wendiro for such a servant leadership path of yours, featuring your dedication to Research and Development paving the way, above and beyond stereotypes of women leadership may sayers...

Your documented and gradual stages within the smallholders' communities across Uganda makes me wanting to come forward and better lean from that landscape you have strongly contributed emerge... From shea butter refining to yoghurt perfecting, these are the practical innovation schemes that need to be further documented and properly disseminated across, to showcase the potential of R&D when women leaders like tyou were given the resources they need to address the full spectrum of bottlenecks to income generation and self-reliance in SME/Is contexts.

I think your experiments should be further inspiring similar models and exchange visits with Uganda networks of SME under your guidance should be convened by the Bank to help others in the region, draw from your humble experience...

Again thanks for sharing!

Demba N's picture



Bonsoir Chères sœurs, c'est bien votre temps et votre moment unique pour avancer, avec la sagesse et la retenue qui vous sont connues, pour aider à relever nos défis alimentaires et nutritionnels en Afrique...

Au cours des 15 à 35 dernières années dans le domaine du développement, la contribution des femmes à ces domaines de l’alimentation et la nutrition a toujours été forte, bien que non documentée en termes de contribution nette aux gains de productivité cumulée. Maintenant, que de nouvelles métriques et des techniques de Suivi & Evaluation ont émergé pour mieux aider à la traçabilité des données statistiques globales, il est CLAIR, en effet, suivant nos expériences par ça et là au Mali et probablement dans nos 7 pays frontaliers environnants (du Mali), les femmes ayant le même accès à la terre, à la technologie, aux services financiers, à l'éducation et aux marchés comme les hommes, sont bien en mesure de stimuler la production agricole au-delà de 30%, tout en répondant mieux aux problèmes de nutrition dans leurs foyers.

Je suis véritablement convaincu de telles perspectives plaçant le Genre, nos braves Femmes, au cœur du processus, sachant que de telles considérations ont été les éléments manquants de toute la rhétorique des décennies perdues du développement dans les années 60 et 70 au-delà.
