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Deprecated function : The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls dans _menu_load_objects() (ligne 579 dans /home3/afdbnetc/public_html/gip/includes/
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7 years 6 months

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Portrait de Demba N



Information and Communication outreach has been an area of extensive work I have been involved lately within WAAPP-PPAAO Mali to date. Along with that work, CORAF has acknowledged the role of such Communication component in furthering the very outcome of most regional WAAPP embryos in need for more institutional support. From experience, I do believe that AfDB and its partners will be able to build upon the achievements of such WAAPP-PPAAO outcome and strengthen while integrating gender perspectives to support the transformation of Africa's agriculture sector.

Through World Bank funding to date, it's important that AfDB envisions a lightweight mechanism in taking over such regional project structure for better ownership within its flagship Agricultural model...

In this area as in any other addressing such socioeconomic disparities, it's important to maintain continuity in resource allocation and monitoring so as not to lose momentum such WAAPP-PPAAO initiatives have generated be it in Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger or elsewhere...

Portrait de Demba N



Transformation of Africa’s Agriculture has a lot to do with reversing, shifting and transforming the full spectrum of common perception of key drivers of development rationale… For being an oral traditional society in most instances, it would take non-conventional approaches to harness women’ outstanding contribution to development… Communication for Development in this regard may help bring forth the seeding ground for such a shift taking place.

Even in Europe and Americas where race and gender remains big chunks of their domestic integration agenda, over decades, it took bold stances and institutional leveraging to bring forth the well-known ethnic, racial and gender difference in the forefront of social agenda and public debate…

In Africa once spearheaded by domestic regional financial institutions, one can remain optimistic that for the longest time, at last we’re on the driver’s seat in modeling, shaping and redefining endogenous development agenda… Structural Adjustment Programs remain the most teachable moment that development practitioners will have to remember so as to never endure imported theories of development practice… For real!

Portrait de Demba N



Great point narrowing down to the need for better integration of such hindrances to women economic empowerment… I can tell we have the research and likely institutional readiness is in place to try out conclusive experiments that worked in Bengladesh, asia and Ethiopia not long ago. Here in Africa with help of ADB we can replicate the principle while adjusting local adaptation to women’s socioeconomic fabric for better economic empowerment and resilience.

As we speak, under WAAPP Mali local innovation platform financing launched a couple of months ago is sought to addressing such key areas of constraints in gender economic solvency and empowerment which surely once properly addressed can make the difference in productivity and income generation impetus.

At this point since most WAAPP projects have gained and demonstrated evidence for the need to further assist women and youth input to agricultural productivity, it’s truly important that ADB review feasibility of such takeover ASAP. In doing so actors like you Njeri, and I, MUST be further documenting and sharing success stories of such scenarios where lack of continuous support and outreach are detrimental to the whole…

Portrait de Demba N



Excellent plaidoyer, pour avoir eu a sieger dans des foras similaires... En effet les resultats de recherche-developpement sont la et tout ce qui reste c'est bien le maillage de l'ensemble de ces embryons de succes collectifs pour mieux rendre a la femme rurale son role d'agent de developpement...

Portrait de Demba N




En effet, de 11%, la BAD pourrait accroitre le rôle du genre dans la transformation de l'agriculture africaine... L’expérience des leçons apprises dans le WAAPP-PPAAO au Mali pourrait, par exemple, s’inspirer du potentiel du Centre d'excellence du riz dans la région de Ségou pour en faire un mécanisme d'intégration régionale apte à substituer les importations régionales de riz, qui représentent des milliard de dollars, et ce faisant aider à développer les synergies au sein de la chaîne de valeur de la culture du riz au Mali et dans ses 7 pays environnants ...


Indeed, from 11% ABD could scale up Gender in transformation of Africa's Agriculture... Building from lessons learnt across WAAPP-PPAAO in Mali for instance could leverage the Rice Center Of Excellence in Segou region into a regional integration mechanism worth substituting regional imports of rice, amounting to billions of dollars, and help support synergies within the rice cultivation value chain in Mali and across its 7 surrounding countries...Enough evidence based outcome for regional financing mechanisms to take over
