Error message

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8 years 1 month

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In response to Radha, Karen and Margaret,
Women's roles must be much bigger: women must also actively participate in the decisions (policy-making, financing, management etc) and project/program execution. The same is true in participating in the development of technologies and innovation processes in the local level (grassroots innovation) as well as for the technology choice (communities must be allowed to make informed decisions!
Not only accepting a set of technologies chosen from the outside) and deployment. Quoting a much-liked phrase from Anil Gupta: "minds on the margin are not marginal minds". It is true for anyone male or female that is marginalized, but even more true for women and girls in a space of gender inequality (oppression to say the real name of it).

Sustainable developments without women full participation is unsustained.

Also not only should women participate in the decision-making process related to energy technology and planning, they should also participate in the development of the technology itself and innovation.
I think some participants of this forum can provide lot of examples of creative and innovative ideas and solutions made by women.
