Submitted by Lizzy Igbine on Tue, 13/06/2017 - 11:42 Permalink
Gender equality has come to stay.
Agriculture transformation aims to progress and enrich the population. Gender equality which encourages women participation should be focused on. Women have from the begining been the back bone and burden bearers in Agriculture, the statictics are there.
It then behoves the present arrangements in transformation of Africa's agriculture to be inclusive and transform women lives and busineses along the value chains.
I will share more details later.
Submitted by Lizzy Igbine on Sun, 20/11/2016 - 14:53 Permalink
Sustainable energy means different things to men and women.
To men sustainable ebergy may mean energy for powering Air conditioners,Musical system and Industries at a sustainable rate with durable price.To women sustainable energy means energy for house hold equipments, fridge, freezers, saloon dryers, nail dryers, Kitchen equipments, blenders etc. Sustainability to both men and women have same objective to help in day to day life activities. To make life easier, the use of alternative source of energy is been canvased and scientists are working towards shoring up of energy needs through introduction of solar powers, This have high initial costs. Women can be supported to participate in Sustainable Energy by Creating a special fund for women as grants to support women in up-scaling production and use of clean cooking stoves, Poduction and promotion of low cost energy alternatives and participating in Energy distribution and trades. AFDB can support by putting together a women challenge fund, A women Energy endowment fund or Special women grants to up scale energy. The Experience and lessons are the introduction of clean cooking stoves which are gaining prominence in our communities.This can be up-scaled
Submitted by Lizzy Igbine on Thu, 10/11/2016 - 22:23 Permalink
We are handling an important and germaine topic that will move Africa forward., To start with, Light up and power Africa for women and men is an all inclusive project, Judging from the statistics that men and women use power, Men own the house and women operate the lights and house hold gadgets, including freezers and fridge, pressing irons, Microwave and room lights. Women business always require power example, Bakeries, frozen foods, Fashion designing and mini Agriculture processing in the house and in the Cooperative settings.
Women are always very dynamic, articulate and progressive and prudent in doing businesses. Women alway pay back loans when given. Women should be part of light up Africa Business and invest in power as an out sourced contractor or supplier in other to supply quality and durable goods and materials.
Women like men should be given an opportunity to own power distribution stations so that prudence will be part of the trade agreement for quality and timely supply and installation of cables.
Women also contribute to family expenditure and house keeping and so any profit made will be well utllized in supporting the upkeep of the family and in growing a more sustainable Economic growth for the families, Nations and Africa.
Some considerations in projects and programs
Submitted by Lizzy Igbine on Thu, 13/07/2017 - 14:05 Permalink
Implimentation is key to archive success in gender related policies. Oftentimes programs end at the drawing point because it was not clearly stated how the implimentation is going to be. Top on the agenda will be, Who is the target audience, Where is the location of the audience, What is the need to be addressed.
These ponits are key to success and on the road to a critically planned Gender Investment.
For us in Nigeria, projects and programs are equated by the number of persons reached, and so poor delivery of programs are a big issue and causes distrust of Governance and multiplie revolutions.
Key points of succes should be aligned to program delivery to targeted groups. Other considerations are availability of funding.
Most times budgets come out late and little or no program will be executed in a whole year. It is pertinent to put into consideration the sourcing of funds as a way of ensuring performance.
And the issue of acceptability by major beneficiaries is highly recommended. As it drives the programs to good conclusions. Never the less the supervising officers should have adequate knowledge of their work and expectations for proper delivery and inpact analysis.
These and others are key instruments and success delivery mechanisms.