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Gender in Practice should be a tool for achieving sustainable development especially in male domminated countries of Africa where there are no gender equality laws, policy and practice. There is need for concerted effort toward incorporating gender equality and social inclusion in development needs analysis using gender dissagregated data and information as the bases for effective planing, budgeting and inplementation unto sustainable and inclusive progress.
Gender in Practice should be
Submitted by Jafar Abdulkadi... on Wed, 09/11/2016 - 22:00 Permalink
Gender in Practice should be a tool for achieving sustainable development especially in male domminated countries of Africa where there are no gender equality laws, policy and practice. There is need for concerted effort toward incorporating gender equality and social inclusion in development needs analysis using gender dissagregated data and information as the bases for effective planing, budgeting and inplementation unto sustainable and inclusive progress.