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Abigael Takaendesa Mgugu Mhene's picture
Abigael Takaendesa
Mgugu Mhene


Member for
7 years 6 months

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Abigael Takaendesa Mgugu Mhene's picture



The role of women in agriculture can never be emphasised but the gap that exists in due to a number of issues one of them being lack of secure tenure to land. until women have security of tenure to the land that they use, agricultural transformation will remain a dream in Africa. security of tenure does not necessarily mean free hold title but can be either a secure lease document, security under customary tenure arrangments. we need to take cognisance of the fact that the majority of female small holder farmers have access to land under customary systems and it is important that these systmes need to be given the same status as other tenure systems  with secure tenure, women will be able to access resources that are fundamental to agricultural transformation.

access to extension services is another issue that require urgent attention so that women can paly their meaningful role in transforming agriculture in africa and closing the gender gap. extension services as well as research information that will be unpacked and repackaged for the consumption of female farmers the majority of whom have little education is another area that will close the gender gap in agriculture..

the land issue need to be dealt with very high levels on the continent and it is important that a protocol on women's land rights in Africa be mooted by the Africa Union Commission, this will provide guidance to the member states to address the rights of women to land. member states have different laws and policies governing women's land rights yet the use of land by women for agriculture is uniform, subsistence rain fed agriculture. women need to move from subsistence to commercial agriculture to close the gender gap

Abigael Takaendesa Mgugu Mhene
Women and Resources in Eastern and Southern Africa (WARESA)
34 Msuzi Road. Woodlands,
Lusaka Zambia