The first volume of this book published by the Human Development Forum for Tudor Rose; addresses gender equality and women's empowerment in the context of the SDGs. It provides various examples of how women and men around the world are working together to achieve this SDG. Bernadette Dia Kamgnia and Jacqueline Odula have contributed a chapter, where they examine the role of the Bank in supporting the financial empowerment of women in Africa. (p85)
The Gender and Managing for Development Results report is a document reporting on the AfCoP « Gender for results » (G4R) Thematic Group event held from August 24 to 26, 2016 in Grand Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire. G4R group is one of three thematic groups established by the African Community of Practice on Managing for Development Results (AfCoP-MfDR) project funded by the African Development Bank to support the « Africa for Results » initiative (AfriK4R).


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